Visiting The Teacup Tree

My mum was visiting last week. While she was here she came across a social post about someone who re-purposed their grandmother’s china collection as decorations in a blossoming tree on the boulevard. 🌸☕

How enchanting.

So off we went mid-Sunday amid the spring sunshowers to find the Tea Cup Tree in Victoria’s James Bay neighbourhood.

The creator used tiny zap straps to affix teacups and teapots to the branches of a blooming ornamental plum tree on their boulevard. 

Pink blossoms against a grey sky.

Mis-matched teacups of all shapes and sizes.

And even a couple of teapots silhouetted by the diffuse cloudy daylight.

The sidewalk below speckled with the first fallen petals.

It was perfect. 
Little acts of beauty make the everyday special. 

And my mum is an expert at finding tiny things to marvel at and make friends with strangers. She’s been known to run her bubble machine from her apartment balcony so she can watch passers-by delight at the unexpected bubbles. Can you believe that one of her neighbours complained and building management told her she had to stop using it? 

There in the falling blossoms, she was in the company of one of her own. Another person who not only appreciated family heirlooms but one who knew how to combine forms of beauty and share them with the world for the sole purpose of spreading joy. 

These people –  those who choose to delight in the magic of the everyday moments of life – are the ones who remind us that beauty and magic are around us at all times. 

All we have to do is remember to notice it. 

Will you choose to see this, too?

🧠 Are you ready to prioritize peace, pleasure, and joy? 🌸
If so, you might be a good candidate for the Positive Intelligence mental fitness program that I facilitate.  
In 7 weeks you’ll re-wire your brain to find magic in the little moments of life, reduce stress & pain, and improve your overall performance. Learn more about training your brain here.
Email me if you have any questions.
hello (at) danasmithwellness (dot) com


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