Find out where to focus first to get unstuck for good

A powerful exercise to get a vivid picture of the way your life is now, compared to the way you'd like it to be.

“It helped me figure out right away where I needed support to finally move forward in my life.”

- Rebecca, Private Coaching Client


 By doing the assessment, you’ll discover:

✓ The 8 key areas of your life that, when aligned with your core values, shape the experience you desire

✓ An instant overview of the areas that are off-balance and potentially creating resistance to change

✓ How to examine blind spots and get clarity on where to make improvements to support your vision

✓ Greater self-awareness and an empowered approach to make changes and create a fulfilling life

✓ My 6 prompts to help you reprioritize your energy and time into areas that need more or less attention based on your desires


Grab your free assessment 👇🏻

Find out where to focus first to get unstuck, free from fear, and in-touch with your intuition.


 A note from Dana

After working with hundreds of people through my Modern Wellness coaching and Registered Massage Therapy practices (not currently practicing), I can confidently say that when you pause to reflect, you move forward faster. 

It’s the most powerful tool you’ve got when it comes to gaining clarity on not just *why* you’re stuck but *how* to move through the resistance with ease. 

It’s also surprisingly simple to get started and gain major momentum towards the life you desire.

 If you’re willing to pause and get a powerful overview of how satisfied you are in each key area of your life, then I promise to share ways to enhance your ability to experience joy and magic every day.

“Dana has been an invaluable voice of guidance, compassion, and wisdom, with a perfect touch of good ol’ kick-in-the-butt when I need it.”

- Christy, Private Coaching Client