Navigating Doubt to Stay Resilient in a Chaotic World

In a recent coaching session, one of my clients shared something that's been on many of our minds: the nagging doubt about whether our work, both in our businesses and personal lives, is truly meaningful given the challenges of our world—climate change, economic upheaval, and the harsh realities of systemic injustices we face. To be honest, I share those concerns too. 

The Struggle to Stay Connected to Our Visions

Maintaining our connection to our visions can be tough when it feels like our small efforts barely make a dent. It's as if we're alone, trying to take on massive, impenetrable forces.

But I recall a concept that was shared with me once, which I keep returning to. 

Imagine that we're all working together to dismantle a colossal wall built from the darkest elements: racism, misogyny, anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments, harmful stigmas, violence and hatred of all flavours—all under the overarching concern of climate crisis. Each of us possesses unique tools. Some chip away at the wall with advocacy and activism, while others use their roles as teachers and leaders to open minds and dissolve ignorance. Some are artists who transmute their pain into representations of their experiences, documenting through expression. Some quietly serve as healers and space holders. Every gift contributes to the collective effort to break down the barriers preventing our world from thriving. Kelly Diels articulated this idea beautifully somewhere in one of the courses I’ve taken with her, and it has stayed with me ever since.

Your Unique Contribution

So, if you ever find yourself lost or disheartened in this turbulent world, remember that your natural talents and inclinations can be the very tools that help dismantle the multifaceted wall of oppression. It might not be outside yourself.

When we lose hope, we let the forces we oppose win. Don't allow that to happen—keep your spark alive and understand that your actions truly matter.

Even when you're tired or feeling hopeless, please don't stop. Adjust your pace and approach to match your energy in that moment. Know that doing your best can look different from one day to the next. Adapting your expectations and practicing self-compassion are powerful moves. Never underestimate their impact.

Resisting Overwhelm to Make a Difference

The chaos around us gains the upper hand when we become overwhelmed and shut down. But every person who thrives while aligning their actions with their values and chosen causes disrupts the cycle of exploitation through overwhelm.

Closing Thoughts: Be Gentle With Yourself

So, as I write this, I'm not only reminding my clients grappling with these profound questions but also myself, as someone who occasionally questions hope.

Be gentle with yourself. Sometimes, that's your most potent weapon.

With unwavering support,



When Life Is More Than Lemons: 4 Approaches to Get You Through


Focus on the Good: Managing Overwhelm Using Positive Sensations