Between Breath & Air is Coming Soon

If you’ve ever made anything, you might know how creative processes have a tender period where they are still in utero, so to speak, and aren’t ready to be seen by the world. It’s always an exciting time when the creator is ready to start sharing what they’re working on.

Can you relate?

So here it goes, I’m ready to share.

Drum roll, please…

I’m launching a podcast called Between Breath and Air.

It’s an extension of my existing exploration of the intersections of mental & physical health, spirituality, creativity, and social responsibility. And the best part is that I get to talk to amazing people about how they are navigating these spaces.

Right now I’m compiling interviews with some brilliant guests and it’s really starting to take shape.

Me and my sound editing software are starting to become friends as I teach myself how to do rudimentary sound engineering. Positive interactions with technology are always a win for me, given how not-positive it often goes for me.

You’ll be able to subscribe to Between Breath and Air on all the platforms later this spring.

Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to tell you here before Episode 1 goes live so you can be one of the first subscribers.

In the meantime, join me over on Instagram where I’ll share a bit about the process.

In wellness,


Coming Home: Embracing the Power of Consistency


Embracing The Messy Middle